On Becoming Members

Ephesians 1:13

By Oscar M. Baker

1. In Whom also ye trusted. They put their trust in Him, not in something else. They had trusted in the Lord, not leaning on their own understanding. They had acknowledged Him in all their ways. How sad it is when you try to talk about spiritual things to a Christian and find that he is occupied with other things. But these saints at Ephesus were occupied with Christ.

All too many are occupied with the things of the world; art, music, society, clubs, and all kinds of entertainment. But they have no room for the Lord. Somehow he is shoved aside and ignored.

Some trust to luck. Some trust to their own ability and intuition to get them by in life. Many are scared of life and do not know how to meet it. But they would never confess that they would ever stoop to trusting in the Lord. I am talking of those who profess to be Christians. They may belong to a church and have a good reputation in the community. But they have never come to the place that they are willing to leave it to the Lord.

2. After that ye heard. From the hired house in Rome, Paul was able to speak to the world. The visitors would drop in and then stop at the many synagogues on the Sabbaths as they journeyed about. They would tell the news of the secret which Paul was making known. So these folds at Ephesus had heard. They simply heard; no signs and wonders.

They had heard that Paul, who bore the brand marks of his Lord and was so well known by that time for his devotion to the Lord, that he had a message for the nations, Jews included, that was far beyond anything man ever dreamed. For the first time it was revealed that some of mankind would have a future home in heaven. They heard this message, and they trusted the Lord.

3. The Word of Truth. There was no doubt about it being truth. It came through Paul from the risen Lord. As the truth at Pentecost was believed because of the signs and wonders ceased. They had no part in the dispensation of the mystery. That the signs ceased was proof that there had been a change of dispensation.

It was the Word of Truth that they heard, not theology or philosophy. When Paul put forth a thesis, he did not quote so-and-so in footnotes, but like the prophets of old, Thus saith the Lord. He had his authority from heaven, not men.

4. The gospel of your salvation. The salvation of God had been sent to the Gentiles and they were hearing. And they trusted. They occupied themselves with the truth, with the Lord Himself. They had faith in Christ Jesus. They had love for all the saints. They had a hope laid up in heavens because they heard the Word of the Truth in the gospel. It brought forth fruit in them and in many others in all the world. They had heard and come to know the grace of God. See Col. 1:4-6.

And these words show us how that these good folks at Ephesus became members of the church which is the body of Christ. Where do you stand?

[Reprinted from Truth For Today Vol. 20, No. 11]

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