The Berean Expositor
Volume 40 - Page 242 of 254
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"THE LORD GOD OF THE HOLY PROPHETS sent His angel" (Rev. 22: 6).
This is conclusive. Argument must cease and adoring worship takes its place. We
bow in this august Presence and unreservedly take the words of the angel, of Thomas and
of Paul on our lips and their attitude in our hearts and in our testimony, and in full
consciousness of what we are saying and doing we say:
Jehovah and Kurios in O.T. and N.T.
pp. 198 - 204
Jehovah is the Lord God of the fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the
God of Jacob (Exod. 3: 15). Here the word "LORD" is the translation of the Hebrew
Jehovah and of the Greek kurios. This passage in Exod. 3: goes on to declare that His
Name is `unto the age' (l'olam, Heb. aionion Gk.) and that this Name is His memorial
unto all generations. Both `age' and `generation' refer to time, not to eternity. While the
title `god' elohim, can be used of other than the Supreme, "Jehovah" is never so used; it
is a proper name denoting the personal God and Him only. The A.V. translates the same
word (Elohim) "God" and "gods" in Gen. 3: 5. So in Gen. 31: 32 and 35: 2 & 4,
the word is translated `gods' when referring to the `images' or `teraphim' stolen by
Rachel (Gen. 31: 19).  The title Elohim is given to `Judges' as can be seen in
Exod. 21: 6 and Psa. 82: 1, 6, even to those who shall `die like men'. This is not the
case with the name Jehovah; that is exclusively used of the Most High and never used of
heathen `gods', or of Hebrew `Judges'. The name Elohim `God' speaks of power,
Jehovah `Lord' of personality. Elohim is a common noun and can be prefaced by such
words as "The Living" or "The Most High". The Scriptures of the O.T. use the word
`My God', `Your God', `The God of Israel', `The God of heaven', but never does it use
one of these qualifying words with Jehovah. The Hebrew says again and again `My God'
but never `My Jehovah'* for when a Hebrew says my God he means Jehovah. Over and
over again the Hebrew speaks of the God of the fathers, but never does it speak of the
Jehovah of Israel, or of the fathers, for He is their God and there is none else.
[* - This is true of the Received Text. Some alterations made by
the Sopherim, if restored, would modify some of these comments.]
While Elohim is the God of CREATION, Jehovah is the God of REDEMPTION.
Elohim is the God of PROVIDENCE, Jehovah is the God of PROMISE. Prophecy is
introduced with the words `Thus saith the LORD', never with `Thus saith GOD'. (See
for fuller analysis the words of Dr. Duncan H. Weir.) The LXX translates the title
Jehovah by the Greek word Kurios. It will be profitable to examine this term and its
usage before we attempt to build any doctrine upon it. With the exception of Rabboni