The Berean Expositor
Volume 40 - Page 189 of 254
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Heb. 5: 9. This passage is almost parallel with 2: 10, but gives fuller detail. It is
concerned with obedience and the perfecting effect of suffering.
We believe we shall be able to demonstrate that the aionian salvation of this passage,
the so great salvation of 2: 3, the inherited salvation of 1: 14, and the glory of 2: 10,
all point to the one thing.
Heb. 6: 9.
"Things that accompany salvation" certainly link us with our first
deliverance from sin; yet remembering the purifying and stimulating character of hope,
we cannot exclude future salvation and inherited glory from this passage. One has only
to read on in the near context to hear of showing "full assurance of hope unto the end", of
"inheriting the promises", through "faith and patience", and of "the hope set before us".
These all have a bearing upon the salvation of verse 9 and influence its interpretation.
Heb. 9: 28.  This passage not only puts salvation into the future and speaks of
believers waiting for it, but it also definitely rules out the idea of salvation from sin, that
having taken place once for all. This salvation is connected, not with the first but with
the Second Appearing of Christ, and is expressly spoken of as "apart from sin"
Heb. 11: 7. The salvation of Noah's house in the Ark is the nearest approach to the
salvation of the sinner that these seven references provide. Yet the deliverance from the
future day of wrath is clearly foreshadowed, Noah himself being already a saved and
justified believer, and the record is part of a series illustrating faith as the substance of
things hoped for, rather than faith that saves from sin, the "saving of the soul" of
Heb. 10: 39 notwithstanding.
Whatever the exact meaning of the word "salvation" may be, as used in this epistle, it
is evident that no reference gives a clear evangelical statement of the way of salvation.
On the other hand, the type of the wilderness journey, its Tabernacle, its Camp, and the
rest that remaineth, its temptations and its perils, is so fully applied in this epistle, that we
cannot dismiss them without losing great light upon this subject.
The title "Saviour" never occurs in Hebrews.  In Acts 5: 31 Christ is called both a
"Prince and a Saviour". In Hebrews the title of Prince is retained (2: 10; 12: 2 Gk.),
but the title Saviour is omitted. The contexts of both occurrences speak of suffering in
view of glory, rather than suffering to expiate sin. Other epistles speak of Christ as
Saviour, this one speaks of Him as Captain and Leader. Other epistles tell of salvation
from sin, this one speaks of the salvation that is to be inherited at the Second Appearing
of the Lord.
The literal rendering of Heb. 1: 14 is those who are "about to be heirs", and this is an
expression frequently used in Scripture. In Hebrews it is found ten times, and often
connected with the future kingdom, "The habitable world about to be", "The city about to
be" (Heb. 2: 5; 9: 11; 10: 1; 13: 14).  This inherited salvation is something future,