The Berean Expositor
Volume 9 - Page 31 of 138
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#21. The Birthright of the Nations. (Gen. 10:).
The Third Dispensation (see Volume VI, page 136).
pp. 69 ­ 75
It is evident from the many parallels exhibited between the period immediately
following the flood and the period of the creation of Adam, that a new dispensation
commenced with Noah and his saved family. If we believe the teaching of Scripture
(Gen. 10:) we can have no alternative but to believe that all mankind is descended from
Noah, through his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth:--
"These are the sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread" (Gen. 9: 19).
The apostle Paul, speaking to the Athenians said:--
"God. . . . hath made of one every nation of men to dwell on the whole face of the
earth" (Acts 17: 26).
These words of Paul are either Scripture truth and therefore final, or private opinion
and therefore fallible. Speaking as an apostle (ex cathedra, as it were) Paul was inspired
and infallible, and the testimony given here on Mar's Hill was a public witness of a duly
accredited ambassador of Christ. He spoke truth, and his word here is but an echo of the
statement of Gen. 10:
The Athenians applied the term of autochthones to other peoples, believing that other
peoples had sprung as a separate creation from the soil, as they believed they had. One
can feel the point of the apostle's words to these very Athenians, knowing the belief they
entertained. The testimony to the unity of the human race seems to be the exclusive
witness of the Scriptures, and what science is reluctantly but nevertheless definitely
approaching, the humblest believer in the Word has known all along. As far back as
1655 La Peyrére published his theory of pre-adamite races, and at intervals since then
there have been various suggestions put forward regarding the different origins of
existing nations.
Voltaire said that no one who was not blind could doubt
"that the Whites, the Negroes, the Albinos, the Hottentots, the Chinese, and the
Americans belong to entirely different races."
One philosopher maintained that there were eleven different species of mankind,
while another went so far as to say there could be no less than fifteen.
Let us look at some of the most striking differences exhibited by the various nations.
Among them we might mention colour. Quatrefages, in his book, "the Human Species",
"The difference in colouring is easily explained. We now know beyond a doubt that
the skin of the Negro is exactly the same in composition as that of the White. . . . the
mucous layer. . . . is the seat of the colour. . . . External influences have, moreover,