English Books  (F-P)


Charles H. Welch

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PDF-version HTML-version Fundamentals And The Mystery
17 pages - Charles H. Welch
A demonstration that the Prison Epistles of Paul are based on the fundamentals of the faith.
PDF-version HTML-version The Glory Of God
13 pages - Stuart Allen
A well-written consideration of a vast subject.
PDF-version HTML-version God's Word Written
26 pages - Stuart Allen
A study on the purpose of the Bible. This booklet is an extract from the author’s larger work The Unfolding Purpose of God, which seeks to show that the Holy Scriptures are not just a collection of pious writings, but the revelation of a gigantic plan that God is carrying out in connection with the heavens and the earth, all centred in the Lord Jesus Christ and His redemptive work.
PDF-version HTML-version Grapes Of Eshcol
31 pages - Charles H. Welch
A sequel to The Dispensational Frontier, presenting the peculiar blessings belonging to the Body of Christ under the symbol of the grapes of Eshcol, and bidding the reader to emulate the attitude of Caleb and Joshua to such blessings.
PDF-version HTML-version Hell Or Pure From The Blood Of All Men
50 pages -Charles H. Welch
The reader is enabled by this clear exposition to examine afresh the traditional ideas of the immortality of the Soul, Hell, and kindred subjects. It is not the author’s opinions that are put forward but what the Scriptures show, and that not in the light of restricted texts but all texts in their true context and setting.
PDF-version HTML-version In Heavenly Places
431 pages - Charles H. Welch
In Heavenly Places, by Charles H. Welch is an exposition of the Epistle to the Ephesians. We consider this epistle to be one of the most important books to be understood as we seek for truth for today. Brother Welch does an exceptional job of explaining the Mystery or secret purpose that was hidden in God and then revealed through Paul, our apostle.

This Ephesians epistle is divided into two main topics. The first three chapters have to do with doctrine or the position we now have as members of the church which is His body. Mr. Welch further subdivides this section into seven threefold sections which helps to explain in detail our Hope of being raised and seated with Christ far above all in the heavenlies (Eph. 2:6). He also compares other scriptures to establish some differences that can prove ours is a different hope than was given to Israel. A case in point is that we have been chosen before the foundation of the world in Him to enjoy every blessing that is spiritual in the Heavenlies (Eph. 1:3,4). Israel's hope was from the foundation of the world and their blessings were physical in that they concerned the land and an earthly Kingdom to be enjoyed here (Matt. 25:34).

The next topic which concerns the last three chapters of Ephesians deals with our practical walk before the Lord. God has revealed our hope, inheritance, and calling, and now He would have us to walk worthy of our calling. Mr. Welch again subdivides this section into threefold exhortations and instructions. These truths seem to be better understood as they are broken down into sections and then put together again to reveal the entire picture of what God expects of us. Christ is our Head and will supply our every need if we will submit our lives unto Him. This can best be done as we understand how Christ is dealing with mankind today. We want to receive the "well-done thou good and faithful servant" when we stand before the Lord in resurrection and are given those crowns or rewards that He has in store for us (II Tim. 4:8).
PDF-version HTML-version Interpretation Of Scripture
60 pages - Stuart Allen
The reader is here put in possession of a guide, which if followed, will make the Bible a more meaningful book; will allow it to speak with Divine authority, and deliver it from the dependence upon Man.
PDF-version HTML-version Is God A Person
62 pages - Charles H. Welch
The Bible’s answer, including a reflection on the creeds of orthodoxy.
PDF-version HTML-version Job, The book of and The Enigma of the Ages
90 pages - Charles H. Welch
This work probes the problem of suffering as it is presented to us in the Book of Job. Here we find the enmity between the two seeds which underlies the problem of the ages, and the over-ruling grace of God bending all things to the accomplishing of His ‘end result’, so that the sufferer will finally ‘come forth as gold’.
PDF-version HTML-version John And The Mystery
22 pages - Charles H. Welch
An examination of the Gospel of John as contrasted with the epistle to the Ephesians.
PDF-version HTML-version The Kingdom of God in Heaven and on Earth
191 pages - Stuart Allen
A detailed study of Bible verses from Genesis to Revelation relating to the kingdom of God, carefully examining the significance of the Scriptures. A book for the mature Christian and thoughtful reading for every preacher.
PDF-version HTML-version Life Through His Name (An exposition of John’s Gospel)
578 pages - Charles H. Welch
The title underlies a dominant theme which runs through John’s gospel. The wonderful exposition of a book which is particularly applicable to the world today, reveals, as never before, the purpose of John in writing this gospel some 50 years after our Lord’s crucifixion. The first essential is ‘Life’. In this book Christ is set forth as the Bread of Life, the Light of Life, and the Resurrection and the Life.
PDF-version HTML-version Meaning Of Prayer
2 pages - Stuard Allen
PDF-version HTML-version Meaning Of Salvation
25 pages - Brian Sherring
This booklet was originally written for use by the younger generation. Where one is born again and is, as it were, a babe in Christ, it is helpful even to an adult in years to have spiritual matters spelt out in an easy fashion. We hope therefore that this issue will serve a wider range of readers.
PDF-version HTML-version None Other Things
41 pages - Charles H. Welch
A series of Bible Studies on Acts 26:22, which were first published in the Berean Expositor in 1938-39.
PDF-version HTML-version Parable Miracle And Sign
236 pages - Charles H. Welch
In this book the Parables, Miracles and Signs contained in the Gospels of Matthew and John are considered from the dispensational point of view. Such great passages as The Sermon on the Mount, The parables of Matthew 13, The prophetic discourse of Matthew 24 and The eight ‘signs’ in John’s Gospel, have much fresh light brought to them.
PDF-version HTML-version From Pentecost to Prison
407 pages - Charles H. Welch
This book covers the historical account of the Acts of the Apostles. Like all Scripture inspired by the Holy Spirit the selection of events, personal incidents, and especially the emergence of Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, is pregnant with meaning and illuminates the epistles that were written at the various stages in the development of God’s plans. Every chapter is an absorbing study.
PDF-version HTML-version Perfection Or Perdition
480 pages Charles H. Welch and Stuart Allen
This book consists of articles in The Berean Expositor on the human authorship of the epistle to the Hebrews, by Stuart Allen, and the expository studies by C.H. Welch. We consider these to be some of the finest Mr. Welch gave, and this book makes a valuable contribution to the exposition of this important epistle which stands in relationship to the Acts period, as the epistle to the Philippians does with the Body of Christ revealed in Paul’s prison letters. Both deal with the maturity of the believer with a prize or crown in view.
PDF-version HTML-version Prayer
15 pages - Stuart Allen
Short studies in the aspects of prayer. These first appeared as a series of articles in Joints and Bands, and are now issued as a booklet.
PDF-version HTML-version The Prize of the High Calling
245 pages - Charles H. Welch
A full examination of Philippians is set forth. The radical distinction between ‘The Hope’ and ‘The Prize’ of our high calling is explained. Key texts such as ‘to depart and be with Christ’, the ‘out-resurrection’, the ‘Form of God’ are examined.

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